DIR EN GREY OFFICIAL FAN CLUB 「a knot」 : notice about membership fee rise due to Consumption Tax increase and website maintenance 2019.09.13 FAN CLUB
DIR EN GREY NEW SINGLE『The World of Mercy』(2019.9.18 RELEASE) : Preview unveiled! 2019.09.06 INFORMATION
19 live clips from LIVE COLLECTION Blu-ray & DVD『FROM DEPRESSION TO ________ [mode of 16-17]』(2019.8.7 RELEASE) released on iTunes Store and Apple Music. 2019.08.21 INFORMATION
Panel display to be held at TOWER RECORDS UMEDA NU CHAYAMACHI to celebrate the release of LIVE COLLECTION Blu-ray & DVD 『FROM DEPRESSION TO ________ [mode of 16-17]』! 2019.08.14 INFORMATION
OVERSEAS (NORTH AMERICA) “TOUR19 This Way to Self-Destruction” to be held in December 2019! 2019.08.12 SCHEDULE
Panel display to be held at Tower Records Shinjuku to celebrate the release of LIVE COLLECTION Blu-ray & DVD 『FROM DEPRESSION TO ________ [mode of 16-17]』! 2019.08.05 INFORMATION
DIR EN GREY EUROPE TOUR “TOUR20 This Way to Self-Destruction ” to be start in Jan. 2020! 2019.06.21 SCHEDULE