NEW SINGLE『The Devil In Me』 now available at digital music subscription (overseas only) and download (worldwide) services! 2024.04.24 NEW RELEASE
NEW SINGLE『The Devil In Me』(2024.4.24 RELEASE): commemorative panels exhibition announced! 2024.04.19 NEW RELEASE
Upcoming NEW SINGLE 『The Devil In Me』(2024.4.24 RELEASE): early preorder and preorder bonus gifts design unveiled! 2024.04.12 NEW RELEASE
34th SINGLE『The Devil In Me』(2024.4.24 RELEASE): artist photos, cover artworks and 15 sec. spot unveiled! 2024.04.08 NEW RELEASE
EUROPE TOUR24 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________ [mode of Withering to death. & UROBOROS] OFFICIAL MERCH information and details 2024.03.11 INFORMATION